Archive of posts: April 8, 2016

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Ssh Tricks

generate keys, create and configure a tunnel

Login without password: From you local machine: # variables REMOTE_USERNAME=foo # script ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id $REMOTE_USERNAME@$REMOTE_HOST The ssh-copy-id does nothing more than: scp ~/.ssh/ $REMOTE_USERNAME@$REMOTE_HOST:~/ssh/authorized_keys How to watch the American version of Netflix (a kinda VPN)?:
STEP1: Establish a SSH tunnel:
On linux: ssh -L 7071:localhost:80 $USERNAME@$HOST windows: With Putty, setup your hostname, then go to: Connection => SSH => Tunnels Source port: 1234 Click on Dynamic STEP2: Add the new proxy setting</h2>: From the browser: Settings => Advanced => Change proxy settings On window, it can be found here: Internet Properties => Connections => LAN Settings check use a proxy server for your LAN => advanced => Socks: port 1234 Then click the add button

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Password Management

An application to store your password securely using Keepass

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Lets Encrypt A Free Ssl Certificate That Can Renew Automatically

This post was not upto date and a new version was made available here

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First Things First On A Linux Box

Up and running in a sec

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Database Cheat Sheet

Mysql, Postgres reminder