Archive of posts: April 2016

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Ressources to prepare for the exam

Free Test sample:
 - 25 questions/answers from
 - 3 * 75 questions/amswers from mockexam4u
 - 25 questions/answers + more if you pay

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Angular2 Coming From Angular1

This post will simply give some lessons I learned along the way by working with Angular2.

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Rxjs Snippets

Introducing subscribe, from, of, flatMap, map, filter, mergeAll in a few short example

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Install Mattermost On Ubuntu

Step by step guide to install an open source alternative to Slack

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Guides To Xyz

Build webpack: guide, doc

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End To End Testing Setup On A Server

Let’s setup a proper environment allowing testing against real browser in a real server without graphical interface

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Docker Cheat Sheet

Manage the lifecycle or your containers and images using docker

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Default Location

Let’s make things easier to find on ubuntu

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Ssh Tricks

generate keys, create and configure a tunnel

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Password Management

An application to store your password securely using Keepass

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Lets Encrypt A Free Ssl Certificate That Can Renew Automatically

This post was not upto date and a new version was made available here

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First Things First On A Linux Box

Up and running in a sec

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Database Cheat Sheet

Mysql, Postgres reminder