Archive of posts: 2016

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Concurrency In Clojure

Getting started with Core.Async, Var, Atom, Agents & Refs

Introduction: Clojure propose different primitives to build concurrent programs. When I started looking at Clojure, the topic was fairly blurry in my mind and I couldn’t understand why it was done differently. The way I see it now is:
The concurrency primitives of Clojure was made for the same reason we went from assembly to some higher level language: Easier abstraction that makes your program simpler to reason about. At the end of the day, It still relies on the low level primitives we have in other languages such as Mutex and Semaphore but the abstraction it creates allows for programs that are not only safer but also simpler to understand and reason about. Once we understand that, we need to grasp that fundamentally, there’s two ways to communicate and interact with subsystems:
 - Message passage communication: that’s what we found in the nature! Independant subsytem that communicate with each...


Up And Running

A simple solution to monitor your services The problem You may have many projects, they sometimes goes down for unexpected reasons, keeping track of it can be quite an annoying challenge and having system in places to get notified when something goes down is great. There’s many solutions that let...

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Free Ssl Certificate

Install once and don’t ever think about updating your ssl certificate. A step by step guide

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Gitlab Omnibus Maintenance Process

Maintenance process for gitlab/mattermost

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Manipulate Geo Spatial Data

Quick dive in geospatial data and the technologiies around

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Mongo Cheat Sheet

Basic cheat sheet for mongo

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Location Using The Ip

How to get a guess on where your visitor come from using his IP address

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Walkthrough Dbpedia And Triplestore

walk through the semantic web using a snorkel Snorql and Triplestore technologies

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A Better Model With Falcor

The idea behing an async model

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Linux Cheat Sheet

A list of usefull commands

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Ressources to prepare for the exam

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Angular2 Coming From Angular1

This post will simply give some lessons I learned along the way by working with Angular2.

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Rxjs Snippets

Introducing subscribe, from, of, flatMap, map, filter, mergeAll in a few short example

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Install Mattermost On Ubuntu

Step by step guide to install an open source alternative to Slack

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Guides To Xyz

Build webpack: guide, doc

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End To End Testing Setup On A Server

Let’s setup a proper environment allowing testing against real browser in a real server without graphical interface

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Docker Cheat Sheet

Manage the lifecycle or your containers and images using docker

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Default Location

Let’s make things easier to find on ubuntu

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Ssh Tricks

generate keys, create and configure a tunnel

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Password Management

An application to store your password securely using Keepass

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Lets Encrypt A Free Ssl Certificate That Can Renew Automatically

This post was not upto date and a new version was made available here

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First Things First On A Linux Box

Up and running in a sec

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Database Cheat Sheet

Mysql, Postgres reminder