Archive of posts: December 2017

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Getting started with self hosting - episode 2

Creating your own cloud, look at the infrastructure

Without a server, you won’t do much. At the end of this post, you will have a server ready to rock Server: It might sounds obvious but to self host your own set of applications, you need a server. That’s probably the first choice you’ll have to make throughout your journey:
where do you host the server(s)? You have 2 possibilities:
 - Host it at home: the only advantage is you have a direct access to your machine. A few things about this:
 - real servers make real noises. Even if you think it’s cool because it feels pro, you don’t want this at home if you’re not living alone on an island, it can be very noisy. My advice is to keep it cheap and simple by using whichever hardware you already have (or buying a raspberry pie), you’ll know when you need more, until then, relax and don’t...

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Getting started with selfhosting - episode 1

Beginning of our journey to self host applications on your own cloud

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Pacman cheat sheet for apt-get people

Side to side syntax of pacman compared to ubuntu

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Petite selection Musicale