Archive of posts: May 20, 2016

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Walkthrough Dbpedia And Triplestore

walk through the semantic web using a snorkel Snorql and Triplestore technologies

walk through the semantic web using a snorkel Snorql and Triplestore technologies Introduction:
Why this guide?: First time I have seen DBPedia, I was completly amazed by the endless possiblities it provides and because I haven’t found any comprehensive resource on how to use it, I wrote one. Wikipedia is certainly the most amazing thing internet has ever build. DBPedia sit on top of it and try to organize this crazy amount of information in a way that makes sense for humans. At the beginning, extracting information from DBPedia felt to me like black magic, the xmlish URI felt obscure, finding the correct information seemed even worse and the interface I was using was constantly throwing errors. What a pain! This guide intend to give some very practical examples showing a method you can use to make your own query. At the end of this guide you should be able to create a wide range of query using...