Archive of posts: April 12, 2016

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Install Mattermost On Ubuntu

Step by step guide to install an open source alternative to Slack

Step by step guide to install an open source alternative to Slack depedencies: # install depedencies su - apt-get install -y mysql-server useradd -r -s /bin/false mattermost mkdir /data mkdir /data/apps cd /data/apps # pull code wget tar -xzvf mattermost*.tar.gz && rm -rf mattermost*.tar.gz cd mattermost configure application: # setup database # mysql -u root -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mattermost; DROP USER 'madmin'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE mattermost; CREATE USER 'madmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'madmin'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mattermost.* TO 'madmin'@'localhost';" sed -i 's/DataSource\".*/DataSource\": \"madmin:madmin@tcp(\/mattermost\?charset=utf8mb4,utf8\",/' ./config/config.json # setup emails notification sed -i 's/SendEmailNotifications\":.*/SendEmailNotifications\": true,/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/SMTPUsername\":.*/SMTPUsername\": \"spotlive\.io@gmail\.com\",/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/SMTPPassword\":.*/SMTPPassword\": \"spotlive\",/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/SMTPServer\":.*/SMTPServer\": \"smtp\.gmail\.com\",/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/SMTPPort\":.*/SMTPPort\": \"587\",/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/ConnectionSecurity\":.*/ConnectionSecurity\": \"STARTTLS\",/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json # other settings sed -i 's/EnableIncomingWebhooks\":.*/EnableIncomingWebhooks\": true,/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/EnableOutgoingWebhooks\":.*/EnableOutgoingWebhooks\": true,/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/EnableCommands\":.*/EnableCommands\": true,/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed -i 's/EnablePostUsernameOverride\":.*/EnablePostUsernameOverride\": true,/' /data/apps/mattermost/config/config.json sed...

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Guides To Xyz

Build webpack: guide, doc

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End To End Testing Setup On A Server

Let’s setup a proper environment allowing testing against real browser in a real server without graphical interface

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Docker Cheat Sheet

Manage the lifecycle or your containers and images using docker

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Default Location

Let’s make things easier to find on ubuntu