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Authentication on Kubernetes, the easy way

service account / x509 certificate and kubeconfig. Deep dive into the common technics to authenticate someone / something on kubernetes

Kubernetes make a distinction between authentication and authorisation. This post focus on the authentication mechanism, authorisation which is done via Role, RoleBinding, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding is a topic for another day. Kubectl is a convenience layer that speak to the API server. You can see those query being made with a verbose flag in kubectl. For instance: # kubectl get namespaces -v=6 -n default I0624 17:26:18.599399 39157 loader.go:375] Config loaded from file: /home/mickael/.kube/config I0624 17:26:19.575659 39157 round_trippers.go:443] GET 200 OK in 966 milliseconds NAME STATUS AGE cert-manager Active 18d default Active 18d ... As you can see, kubectl use our kubeconfig file securely authenticate us to the API server. Without authentication, the api server refuse to do anything: # curl -I --insecure HTTP/2 403 cache-control: no-cache, private content-type: application/json x-content-type-options: nosniff content-length: 320 date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 07:29:48 GMT Our query comes back with a 403 HTTP...

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Installing kubernetes on bare metal, the easy way

From nothing all the way up to an application running in your cluster with SSL and all

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The Best Online Web Client For Ftp And S3

Showcasing a few web clients I just shipped to be use with FTP and AWS S3

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Ldap Users On Linux

users pulled from LDAP on an SSH machine

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How To Send Messages To An Irc Channel Using Php

IRC is still cool, so let’s build a bot

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Getting started with self hosting - episode 4

Setup an application on your server

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Getting started with self hosting - episode 3

Setting up our server correctly

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Getting started with self hosting - episode 2

Creating your own cloud, look at the infrastructure

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Getting started with selfhosting - episode 1

Beginning of our journey to self host applications on your own cloud

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Pacman cheat sheet for apt-get people

Side to side syntax of pacman compared to ubuntu

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Release of Integrapptor v1.0.0

A desktop app to integrate all your web apps together

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A log infra with Couchdb

We’ll cover the implementation, query and reporting aspect

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 5

Deep dive into emacs: let’s unleash the power

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 4

Look at a few interesting features that comes by default

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 3

Emacs builtin features

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 3

Emacs builtin features

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 2

Getting started with org mode

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 1

Getting started with emacs: the basics

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Emacs Tutorial Series - episode 0

The learning path

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Linux Tooling You Should Really Know About

4 great cli tools you should know about: tmux, tig, htop, emacs

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A guide to compile your stuff

Because not everyone know how to do it

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An Opinionated Skeleton For Starting A Website

A HTML/CSS skeleton to quickly get started with your project

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Concurrency In Clojure

Getting started with Core.Async, Var, Atom, Agents & Refs

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Free Ssl Certificate

Install once and don’t ever think about updating your ssl certificate. A step by step guide

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Gitlab Omnibus Maintenance Process

Maintenance process for gitlab/mattermost

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Manipulate Geo Spatial Data

Quick dive in geospatial data and the technologiies around

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Mongo Cheat Sheet

Basic cheat sheet for mongo

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Location Using The Ip

How to get a guess on where your visitor come from using his IP address

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Walkthrough Dbpedia And Triplestore

walk through the semantic web using a snorkel Snorql and Triplestore technologies

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A Better Model With Falcor

The idea behing an async model

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Linux Cheat Sheet

A list of usefull commands

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Ressources to prepare for the exam

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Angular2 Coming From Angular1

This post will simply give some lessons I learned along the way by working with Angular2.

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Rxjs Snippets

Introducing subscribe, from, of, flatMap, map, filter, mergeAll in a few short example

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Install Mattermost On Ubuntu

Step by step guide to install an open source alternative to Slack

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Guides To Xyz

Build webpack: guide, doc

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End To End Testing Setup On A Server

Let’s setup a proper environment allowing testing against real browser in a real server without graphical interface

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Docker Cheat Sheet

Manage the lifecycle or your containers and images using docker

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Default Location

Let’s make things easier to find on ubuntu

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Ssh Tricks

generate keys, create and configure a tunnel

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Password Management

An application to store your password securely using Keepass

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Lets Encrypt A Free Ssl Certificate That Can Renew Automatically

This post was not upto date and a new version was made available here

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First Things First On A Linux Box

Up and running in a sec

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Database Cheat Sheet

Mysql, Postgres reminder